Artigos científicos | Cap. livros

Azevedo, Nair Rios (2004) "Do Prazer de Brincar à Coragem de Crescer" . ANAIS/UEID 2004 , Publicação anual da Unidade de Investigação Educação e Desenvolvimento, 247-253

Brandt, K., & Murphy, M. (2010). Touchpoints in a Nurse Home Visiting Program. In B.M. Lester & J.D. Sparrow, Nurturing Children and Families. Building on the legacy of T. Berry Brazelton (pp.177-191). New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

Brazelton, T. B (1983). Infants and mothers: differences in development. New York: Random House Publishing.

Brazelton, TB. & Sparrow, J.(2003) The Touchpoints Model of Development Brazelton Touchpoints Center
Disponível em Brazelton Touchpoints

Brazelton, B. & Sparrow J. (2010). Nurturing Children and Families – Building on the Legacy of T. Berry Brazelton. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

Brito, A. T. (2020), Infância: da pobreza e exclusão social ao bem-estar e inclusão. Artigo publicado nos Cadernos de Educação de Infância | Direitos da Criança 30 anos Publicação quadrimestral no 120, Maio/Agosto 2020. Edição da APEI Associação de Profissionais de Educação de infância | ISSN 2182-8369 Infância da pobreza e exclusão social ao bem-estar e inclusão

Brito AT, Xavier MR, Azevedo N, Fareleira F, Espirito Santo J, Teixeira L, Tinoco J and Singer J (2023) Dialogues with parents: a parental support and empowerment program based on the Touchpoints Model. Front. Educ. 8:1251130. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2023.1251130

Espírito Santo, Joana (2016) II PAINEL: Ansiedade na Criança e no Jovem Tempo para Brincar, SINES EM REDE. Semana da Saúde Mental IIIo Encontro Pensar a Saúde Mental Sines, 10/10/2016
Tempo para Brincar - Joana Espírito Santo

Gomes-Pedro, J. (2005). Touchpoints: uma nova dimensão educacional. In J.C. Gomes-Pedro,Para um sentido de coerência na criança (pp.249-261). Mem Martins: Publicações Europa-América.

Gomes-Pedro, J. C. (2017). Pensar a criança, sentir o bebé. Lisboa: Zero a Oito Edições.

Nugent, JKevin (2019) "Berry Brazelton: Le Magnifique"*The Brazelton Institute, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, Vol. 20 No. 11 NOVEMBER 2019

Nugent, J.K., Petrauskas, B.J. & Brazelton, T.B. (2009). The Newborn as a Person. Enabling Healthy Infant Development Worldwide. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Nugent, J. K., Keefer, C.H., Minear S., Johnson, L.C., & Blanchard, Y. (2012). Understanding Newborn Behavior Early Relationships. Baltimore: Paul H. Brooks Publishing Co.

Singer, J., & Hornstein, J. (2010). The Touchpoints Approach for Early Childhood Care and Education Providers. In B.M. Lester & J.D. Sparrow, Nurturing Children and Families. Building on the legacy of T. Berry Brazelton (pp.288-299). New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

Sparrow J, Brazelton, TB. (2006) A Developmental Approach to the Prevention of Common Behavioral Problems Brazelton Touchpoints Center

Sparrow, J (2008) New Approaches to Optimizing Child Development And Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Brazelton Touchpoints Center

Sparrow, J. (2010). Aligning Systems of Care with the Relational Imperative of Development. Building Community through Collaborative Consultation. In B.M. Lester & J.D. Sparrow, Nurturing Children and Families. Building on the legacy of T. Berry Brazelton (pp.15-28). New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

Sparrow J. (2013). Newborn behavior, parent-infant interaction, and developmental change processes: research roots of developmental, relational, and systems-theory-based practice. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs, 26(3), 180-185.

Sparrow, J. (2014). Touchpoints: Linking families, professionals, institutions and communities for children's health, education and wellbeing. In J.C. Gomes-Pedro (Coord.), Valuing Baby and Family Passion. Towards a Science of Happiness (pp.136-156). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Sparrow, J. (2007) “Understanding Stress in Children.” Pediatric Annals 36.4 (2007): 187-94. Print.

Tinoco de Faria, J., & Fonseca Costa, M. (2016). Intervenção psicossocial em grupo com grávidas e mães em dificuldade. In R. Francisco, J.C. & H. R. Pinto (Eds.), Família e Psicologia: Contributos para a investigação e intervenção (pp.169-180). Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora.


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